Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Questioning Mind

"Yesterday I dreamed I was an ape. How do I know that today I am not an ape dreaming I am a man?"
The slightly altered quote is from the Taoist Chuang-Tzu: "Yesterday, I dreamt I was a butterfly. How do I know that today I am not a butterfly dreaming I am a man?" The photo was taken at the Lincoln Park Zoo's Regenstein Center for Africa Apes.


  1. He sure looks like he is pondering something serious doesn't he?

  2. The Lincoln Park Zoo was another favorite place to visit when I lived there, eons ago! PS. Yes, I used to visit Chicago regularly, but in recent years DH and I forgo these trips as we wing away to Mexico instead. Great photo!

  3. Great photo.

    Fenix - Yes, that is a female gorilla. The male silverbacks are much larger!

  4. «As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself in his bed transformed into a monstruous kind of insect...». Franz K mood ;)
    Loved to find the Chicago DP. Still remembering my 1982 visit ther...

  5. Such a look. There's intelligence in that face.

  6. Great photo, I'd like to know what he's thinking.
